Om 8 dagar

OM 8 dagar comes the BIG THING, nämligen Simpson and isnt that just so freaking LOVELY
så mycket som jag älskar simpson går ej att beskriva (DORK) i know!
men har typ nästan aldri missa ett avsnitt sen ja typ gick i 6an, (NERD) i know hahaha!
helt klart humör på väldans hög nivå..ehm??  hahah


Dagens låt:

Isaac Blackman-Back to the ceiling

It is happening again
God have come and take away all my pain
Know I got to say I love you (hey)

It is happening again
God have come and take away all my pain
Know I got to say I love you

Said make ah jumping up to the ceiling
What a wonderful feeling
That you have my back
Always defend me when I'm under attack



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